Swansea Squash Club and Squash Wales attended Ravenhill Park on the 1st of June to deliver a girls only squash session as part of the Us Girls project.
21 girls took part and enjoyed the opportunity to give squash a go and learn a new skill. It was great to see everyone showing progress from the start to the end of the session, learning the basics of the game and being able to completely hit the ball against our portable squash nets a number of times by the end of the session.
During the second part of the day, Swansea Squash Club and Squash Wales delivered a taster session as part of the Park Lives programme run by Swansea Sport and Health. This gave children and families the opportunity to try squash out, work on some basic skills and even progressing into game situations.
By the end of the event, over 21 participants from female BAME and additional learning needs communities had tried a new sport and supported in pursuing it further with Swansea Squash Club, most of which were very excited at the prospect of continuing playing squash.
Squash Wales would like to thank Jenny, Wendy and Howard from Swansea Club for coming down to help run the session and inviting the girls along to their next session at the club. We would also like to thank Swansea Sports Development for inviting us down and we are excited to continue to work in partnership to provide more opportunities to everyone in the Swansea area in the future.