- 1. Policy Statement
- 2. Promoting Best Safeguarding Practice with Young People
- 3. Recruitment of Staff and Volunteers
- 4. Recognition of Poor Practice, Abuse and Bullying
- 5. Responding to Disclosure, Suspicions and Allegations
- 6. Implementation and Monitoring Procedures
- Appendices to Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures in Squash
- PART 2
- APPENDIX E - Guidance for taking and using photographic and recorded images of children
- CPSU Resources
Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures in Squash SAF006
Squash can and does have a very powerful and positive influence on people – especially young people. Not only can it provide opportunities for enjoyment and achievement, it can also develop valuable qualities such as self-esteem, leadership and teamwork. These positive effects can only take place if squash is in the right hands – in the hands of those who place the welfare of all young people first and adopt practices that support, protect and empower them.
The reality is that abuse does take place in all sport. Squash Wales believes that every adult has a legal and moral responsibility to protect the young people and adults at risk (vulnerable adults) in squash from abuse.
These procedures have been produced to offer guidelines to everyone in squash (i.e. organisations, administrators, coaches, instructors, officials, teachers, parents and young people). We all have a duty of care towards young and vulnerable players and can help to protect them from abuse.
In relation to child protection a child is defined as someone under the age of 18.
An Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy and Procedures in Squash is available on the Squash Wales website www.squashwales.com
The safeguarding policy and procedure materials were drawn up specifically for Squash Wales and conform to current child protection legislation and guidance.
It is important to remember that the principles of safeguarding young people have not changed – safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and the understanding of the views and needs of children will enhance a player centred approach. This update continues to endorse safeguarding best practice as a minimum standard but also includes the following new legislation and guidance in the area of safeguarding and child protection.
The following areas are reflected in the update of the Squash Wales Policy and Procedures:
Wales Protection Procedures – came into force in November 2019. They provide an essential part of safeguarding children and promoting their welfare. The common standards they provide guide and inform child protection practice across Wales.
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 – came into force in April 2016. It provides Wales with its own framework for social services. The Act identifies powers to ensure children and adults are kept safe from abuse, a national independent safeguarding board will be set up, all suspicions of a child or an adult being at risk must be reported to the local authority.
Prevent Strategy – the aim is to reduce the threat of terrorism by preventing people from being drawn into terrorism.
Radicalisation – happens when recruiters befriend vulnerable young people, feed them ideologies (ie groom the young person) and persuade them to commit terrorist attacks.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – is the partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons, although there is no medical reason to carry out FGM. It is also known as female circumcision, cutting or sunna. FGM is child abuse and a criminal offence.
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) – is a type of sexual abuse in which children are sexually exploited for money, power or status. Young people often trust their abuser and don’t understand they are being abused. They may depend on their abuser or be too scared to tell anyone what’s happening.
Whist it may not be possible to identify directly the above abuse, in most cases poor practice (will be evident) which leave the child open to the risk of abuse. It is also possible that a child may directly disclose information in relation to any of the types of abuse identified.
This Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy endorsed by Squash Wales demonstrates the importance that Squash Wales places on the protection of children who participate in all levels of squash. Squash Wales is committed to ensuring that children are safe and that their experiences are enjoyable.
Squash Wales will implement this Policy by:
- Disseminating appropriate safeguarding and protecting children policy guidance to raise awareness of the issues and procedures with staff, clubs/organisations, coaches/tournament officials, parents and young players.
- Promoting and implementing robust recruitment procedures for new staff.
- Promoting and role modelling best safeguarding practice to protect all children and adults involved in Squash.
- Implementing a Safeguarding and Protecting Children Staff Training and Development Programme.
- Implementing systems and procedures to deal with complaints and allegations.
- Creating a register of persons with regulated contact with young people to reduce the likelihood of unsuitable people working within squash.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and its impact on squash.
- Maintaining a positive profile for safeguarding and protecting children work Policy Statement.
1. Policy Statement
1.1. Responsibilities
Squash Wales will
- Accept the moral and legal responsibility to endorse and implement procedures to provide a duty of care for young people, safeguard their well-being and protect them from abuse.
- Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of young people.
- Recruit, train and supervise its employees / volunteers to adopt best practice to safeguard and protect young people from abuse, and themselves against false allegations.
- Ensure staff / volunteers adopt and abide by the Squash Wales Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, and the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures.
- Respond to any allegations appropriately and effectively.
- Implement Squash Wales disciplinary and appeals procedures.
1.2. Principles
The guidance given in the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Procedures is based on the following principles:
- The welfare of young people (the Children Act 1989 defines a young person as under 18 years) is the primary concern.
- The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 promotes powers to ensure children and adults are kept safe from abuse and highlights the need to report any concerns.
- All young people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse. These are the principles of equality of opportunity, as laid down in the Squash Wales Equity Policy.
- It is the responsibility of the safeguarding & protecting children experts to determine whether or not abuse has taken place but it is everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns.
- All incidents of poor practice and allegations should be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
- Confidentiality should be upheld in line with the Data Protection Act 1998, the common law of confidentiality, and the Human Rights Act 1998.
Please note that the term parent is used throughout this document as a generic term to represent parents, carers and guardians.
1.3. Confidentiality
The legal principle that the “welfare of the child is paramount‟ means that the considerations which might apply to other situations in the organisation should be allowed to override the right of young people to be protected from harm. However, every effort must be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained when an allegation has been made and is being investigated. Information should be stored in a secure place, with access limited to designated people, in line with data protection laws (e.g. that information is accurate, regularly updated, relevant and secure).
1.4. Legal and Procedural Framework
The practices and procedures within this policy are based on the principles contained within UK legislation and Government guidance and have been designed to complement the Wales Safeguarding Procedures 2019 and Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures.
2. Promoting Best Safeguarding Practice with Young People
2.1. Introduction
Promoting the welfare of all young people in squash is a key part of the safeguarding role that we all have a responsibility to implement. A Coach, instructor, teacher, official or volunteer may have regular contact with young people and be an important link in identifying cases where a young person needs protection. All cases of poor practice should be reported to Squash Wales.
2.2. Best Safeguarding Practice Guidelines
All personnel in squash should demonstrate exemplary behaviour in order to protect themselves from false allegations or a misinterpretation of their intention. The following points are examples of how to create a positive squash culture and climate (e.g. coach / adult protection as well as child protection).
See also Guidelines and Requirements for Junior Sanctioned Events, and Guidance for Persons Hosting or Taking Individual Teams to Away Events.
2.2.1. Meaning of Best Safeguarding Practice
- Always work in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations).
- Treat all young people with respect and dignity.
- Always prioritise the welfare of each young person.
- We respect the rights and dignity of all our young athletes and acknowledge that everyone who is involved with our organisation has mental health and wellbeing needs.
- As an adult in a position of trust, maintain a safe and appropriate distance with players (e.g. it is not appropriate to have an intimate relationship with a child or to share a room with them).
- Build balanced relationships based on mutual trust which empowers children to share in the decision-making process.
- Make squash fun and promote fair play.
- Encourage parents and young people to ask questions and provide regular information to both groups.
- Keep up to date with the technical skills, qualifications and insurance in squash.
- Involve parents wherever possible (e.g. for the responsibility of their children in the changing rooms). If groups have to be supervised in the changing rooms, always ensure parents / teachers / coaches / officials work in pairs.
- Ensure that if mixed teams are taken away, they should always be accompanied by a male and female member of staff (NB However, be aware that same gender abuse can also occur).
- Adults should not enter children’s bedrooms or invite children into their rooms (unless it is an emergency).
2.3. Squash Wales Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct
Squash coaches are required to sign up to the Squash Wales Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct (appendix C), which is issued through every affiliated senior and junior club. The Code encourages:
- The development of an open and positive climate in squash.
- Poor practice to be identified.
- Investigations to be carried out.
- Disciplinary action to be taken if appropriate.
The Codes outline that an environment which allows bullying, shouting, racism, or sexism is not acceptable.
Junior squash players also sign up to a Squash Wales Code of Conduct and Statement of Commitment, which addresses issues of personal appearance, attendance, behaviour and personal conduct, and required commitment levels.
2.4. Guidelines for Use of Photographic/Filming Equipment
Taking photograph images of young performers is a fantastic celebration of squash in Wales, however Squash Wales advises that squash organisations adhere to the appropriate guidelines detailed in Appendix E. Appendix E, also includes guidance on photography and images of children.
2.5. Mental Health and Wellbeing Statement
As part of our commitment to ensuring we take mental health and wellbeing into consideration in all aspects of our sport, we are working towards making sure that:
- We support our staff to hold some level of mental health and wellbeing awareness training.
- We demonstrate how our staff can be welcoming towards people experiencing a problem with their mental health and wellbeing.
- We respect that everyone needs to take care of their mental health and wellbeing and that some of us may need more support than others.
- There are key members of staff (welfare officers or other designated roles) in our organisation who are happy to discuss how our sport can be adapted to suit your mental health and wellbeing needs or how we can be more inclusive.
- We regularly ask all our young members if they are happy with the level of support they receive from us and whether it could be improved in any way.
- As an organisation, we recognise how the pressures of competitive sport can affect young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
- All staff know the details of the mental health and wellbeing support services available to both staff and young people.
- All staff know how to raise concerns to protect young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis or identifying as at risk of self-harm or suicide as part of our safeguarding reporting procedures.
- Support and information on mental health and wellbeing continues to be shared as young people progress on the talent pathway and the potential pressures of funding, sponsorship and achievement come into play.
3. Recruitment of Staff and Volunteers
3.1. Introduction
All squash clubs should use a robust recruitment practice to ensure unsuitable people are prevented from working with young people. The same procedures should be adopted for all persons whether they are employed or volunteers, full or part-time.
The following is a best practice recruitment process recommended by Squash Wales:
- A job/role description being clear about safeguarding expectations of the role.
- All applicants to complete an application form (a sample is provided in Appendix F).
- An interview.
- A criminal record check (where applicable) will be completed via Squash Wales.
- Two written references should be taken up (a sample is provided in Appendix F).
- An induction into the role and organisation (where the individual will sign up to the Squash Wales Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct).
- Initial training related to their club role and the wider safeguarding role.
- External training:
- Safeguarding awareness workshop (e.g. sports coach UK workshop Safeguarding and Protecting Children).
- First aid (e.g. sports coach UK / British Red Cross Emergency First Aid for Sport, St John or St Andrew’s Ambulance First Aid qualifications).
- For further details on training opportunities see Appendix G.
- Monitoring and appraisal of all staff or volunteers (either formal or informal) to support the individual, goal set and identify any ongoing training needs.
3.2. Complaints Procedures
Squash Wales’s disciplinary procedures (as detailed in Squash Wales Child Protection Discipline and Dispute Resolution Procedures) will be used to deal with any formal complaints and / or appeals.
All complaints related to Squash Wales should be directed to the Squash Wales Operations Manager [email protected]
4. Recognition of Poor Practice, Abuse and Bullying
4.1. Introduction
It is not always easy to recognise a situation where abuse may occur or has already taken place. The staff and volunteers in squash are not experts at such recognition. However, they do have a responsibility to act if they have any concerns about the behaviour of someone (an adult or another child) towards a young person.
4.2. Poor Practice
Poor practice includes any behaviour that contravenes the Squash Wales Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct which is constituted around the following:
4.3. Abuse
Abuse can happen to any young people of any age.
4.3.1. Additional Vulnerabilities
There have been a number of studies which suggest children with disabilities are at increased risk of abuse. Various factors contribute to this, such as stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, isolation and a powerlessness to protect themselves, or an inability to communicate that abuse has occurred.
4.3.2. Race and Racism
Young people from black and minority ethnic groups (and their parents) are likely to have experienced harassment, racial discrimination, and institutional racism. Although racism causes significant harm, it is not, in itself, a category of abuse, but is illegal. However, this may be categorised as emotional abuse, under local child protection procedures.
4.3.3. Defining Abuse
Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Young people may be abused in a family, or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them, or more rarely, by a stranger. Children can be abused by adults or other children.
4.3.4. Forms of Child Abuse
There are four main forms of child abuse:
Neglect – where adults fail to meet a child’s basic needs like food or warm clothing, fail or refuse to give children love, affection and attention. Children might also be constantly left alone or unsupervised. Neglect in squash could include a teacher or coach not ensuring children are safe, exposing them to undue cold or to unnecessary risk of injury, etc.
Physical abuse – where adults physically hurt or injure children by hitting, shaking, squeezing, burning and biting, or by giving them alcohol, inappropriate drugs or poison. Attempted suffocation or drowning also comes within this category. Examples of physical abuse in squash may be when the nature and intensity of training and competition exceeds the capacity of the child’s immature and growing body and where drugs are used to enhance performance or delay puberty, etc.
Sexual abuse – where girls and boys are abused by adults (both male and female) who use children to meet their own sexual needs. In squash coaching techniques which involve physical contact with children could potentially create situations where sexual abuse may go unnoticed. The power of the coach over young performers, if misused, may also lead to abusive situations developing.
Emotional abuse – where a child may be constantly shouted at, threatened or taunted, which may make the child very nervous and withdrawn. Emotional abuse in squash may occur if children are subjected to constant criticism, bullying or unrealistic pressure to perform to high expectations. This could extend to abuse which is financially – linked in some way.
4.3.5. Indicators of Abuse
Indications that a child may be being abused include the following:
- Unexplained or suspicious injuries such as bruising, cuts or burns, particularly if situated on a part of the body not normally prone to such injuries.
- An injury for which the explanation seems inconsistent.
- Someone else (a child or adult) expresses concern about the welfare of another child.
- Unexplained changes in behaviour (e.g. becoming very quiet, withdrawn or displaying sudden outbursts of temper).
- Inappropriate sexual awareness.
- Engagement in sexually explicit behaviour.
- Appearing to speak from a script (radicalisation).
- Distrust of adults, particularly those with whom a close relationship would normally be expected.
- Has difficulty in making friends.
- Is prevented from socialising with other children.
- Displays variations in eating patterns including overeating or loss of appetite.
- Weight loss for no apparent reason.
It should be recognised that this list is not exhaustive and the presence of one or more of the indicators is not proof that abuse is actually taking place. It is not the responsibility of those working in squash to decide that child abuse is occurring but it is their responsibility to act on any concerns.
4.4. Bullying
It is important to recognise that in some cases of abuse, it may not always be an adult abusing a young person. It can occur that the abuser may be a young person, for example in the case of bullying. Bullying is defined as: repeated (systematic) aggressive verbal, psychological or physical conduct by an individual or group against another person or persons.
Although anyone can be the target of bullying, victims are typically shy, sensitive and perhaps anxious or insecure. Sometimes they are singled out for physical reasons – being overweight, physically small, having a disability or belonging to a different race, faith or culture.
Although bullying often takes place in schools, the research showed that it can and does occur anywhere where there is inadequate supervision – on the way to and from school, at a squash event, in the playground and changing rooms.
The competitive nature of squash makes it an ideal environment for the bully. The bully in squash can be:
- A parent who pushes too hard.
- A coach who adopts a win-at-all-costs philosophy.
- A player who intimidates inappropriately.
- An official who places unfair pressure on a person.
4.4.1. Forms of Bullying
There are various forms of bullying:
- Physical: e.g. pushing, hitting, kicking and pinching.
- Verbal: e.g. name-calling, spreading rumours, constant teasing and sarcasm.
- Emotional: e.g. tormenting, ridiculing, humiliating and ignoring.
- Racist: e.g. taunts, graffiti and gestures.
- Sexual: e.g. unwanted physical contact or abusive comments.
- Cyber Bully: e.g. uses the internet, mobile phones, online games or any other kind of digital technology or social media (for example: – Facebook/twitter, WhatsApp) to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else.
4.4.2. Signs of Bullying
There are a number of signs that may indicate that a young person is being bullied:
- Comments young people make – listening to what young people say and taking it seriously is important.
- Behavioural changes such as reduced concentration and / or becoming withdrawn, clingy, depressed, tearful, emotionally up and down, reluctant to go to school, training or squash club.
- A drop off in performance at school or squash.
- Physical signs such as stomach-aches, headaches, difficulty in sleeping, bed- wetting, scratching and bruising, damaged clothes and bingeing (e.g. food, cigarettes or alcohol).
- A shortage of money or frequent loss of possessions.
5. Responding to Disclosure, Suspicions and Allegations
5.1. Introduction
If a young person says or indicates that he / she is being abused, or information is obtained which gives concern that a young person is being abused, you should react IMMEDIATELY. People working within sport are well placed to recognise or receive concerns relating to the welfare of children and young people.
We have a responsibility to respond to these concerns whether this relates to a child’s home or family situation, community or concerns arising from their involvement in squash.
5.2. Responding to Concerns about Possible Child Abuse within the Home, Family or Community
The primary responsibility of the sports organisation is to ensure the concerns and any relevant information is passed to police or social services without delay. These organisations have the statutory responsibility to make enquiries, to establish if a child is at risk of harm.
The person receiving the information should pass the information to the Lead Safeguarding Officer (LSO), at the Squash Wales office. If the LSO is not available, then the information should be passed directly to a statutory organisation (Police or Social Services).
- Complete the Squash Wales Incident Record form (Sample form in Appendix F)
- See Appendix A, for a quick guide to Squash Wales Procedures
5.3. Responding to Disclosure
The person receiving information concerning disclosure should:
- React calmly so as not to frighten the child.
- Tell the child he / she is not to blame and that it was right to tell.
- Take what the child says seriously, recognising the difficulties inherent in interpreting what is said by a child who has a speech disability and / or differences in language.
- Keep questions to the minimum to ensure a clear and accurate understanding of what has been said; the child may be subsequently formally interviewed by the police or social services.
- Reassure the child but do not make promises of confidentiality, explain to the child that you will have to share your concerns with someone who is in a position to act.
- Make a full record of what had been said, heard and seen as soon as possible.
NB It may not be that all young people are able to express themselves verbally. Communication difficulties may mean that it is hard for them to complain or be understood. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the signs of abuse from the symptoms of some disabilities or conditions, in relation to the nature of an individual’s impairment. However, where there are concerns about the safety of a young person, record what has been observed in detail and follow Squash Wales safeguarding procedures to report these concerns.
5.3.1. Actions to Avoid
The person receiving the disclosure should not:
- Panic.
- Probe for more information than is offered.
- Speculate or make assumptions.
- Make negative comments or approach the alleged abuser.
- Make promises or agree to keep secrets.
5.4. Responding to Suspicions
It is not the responsibility of anyone working in a paid or voluntary capacity for Squash Wales, or those working in affiliated organisations, to take responsibility or decide whether or not child abuse is taking place.
However, there is a responsibility to protect children in order that appropriate agencies can then make enquiries and take any necessary action to protect the young person.
5.4.1. Social Services
When a child protection referral is made, Social Services staff have a legal responsibility to respond. Enquiries may be carried out jointly with the police.
5.4.2. Sharing Concerns with Parents
There is always a commitment to work in partnership with parents or carers where there are concerns about their children. However, here are circumstances in which a young person might be placed at even greater risk if concerns are shared (e.g. where a parent or carer may be responsible for the abuse). In these situations, any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to the person in charge as soon as possible and recorded.
5.4.3. Designated Officer
Squash Wales has identified a Lead Safeguarding Officer, David Evans, who can be contacted at the Squash Wales office [email protected]
Each squash organisation (club, leisure centre, etc.) should identify a designated Club Welfare Officer to handle safeguarding and protecting children issues. This person should complete a personal disclosure form and undergo a DBS check. The designated person will require support from the organisation and appropriate training and information. This support will be provided as part of the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Implementation Procedures, adopted by Squash Wales.
It is the responsibility of the designated person (the LSO or the CWO) to inform the Social Services without delay. If the person in charge is not available or the concern is about the designated person, the person with concerns or being informed of them should immediately contact Social Services or the police. In these circumstances, you do not have to give your name but it is helpful if you can. Social Services, together with the designated person in charge, where appropriate, will decide how and when parents or carers will be informed.
5.4.4. Expert Advice
If you are not sure what to do, you can obtain advice by telephoning the local Social Services department and speak to the duty social worker, or call the NSPCC 24 hour free phone Helpline on 0808 800 5000. The police also have specially trained Child Protection teams who will give guidance and support.
Please ensure that any incidents are referred to the Squash Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer via the Squash Wales office on 0300 300 3121.
5.4.5. Records and Information
Information must be accurate. (See Appendix F – Sample Incident Report Form) and should include the following:
- The concern or issue identified.
- A description the concern / issue including any injuries to anyone involved.
- The child’s account, of what has happened and how any injuries occurred.
- Contact details of witnesses to the incident(s).
- Any times, dates or other relevant information.
- A clear distinction between what is fact, opinion or hearsay.
Reporting the matter to the police or Social Services should not be delayed by attempts to obtain more information. A record should also be made of the information given in the referral, the name of the Social Services staff or police officer to whom the concerns were passed, together with the time and date of the call in case any follow-up is needed. A copy should be kept on file and information should be sent to the Lead Safeguarding Officer at the Squash Wales office.
5.5. Allegations against Staff or Volunteers
This includes anyone working with children in a paid or voluntary capacity (e.g. volunteers or helpers in clubs, tournament officials, team managers on training camps, coaches). Child abuse can and does occur outside the family setting. Abuse that takes place within a public setting is rarely a one-off event. All allegations are taken seriously and appropriate action taken. Any concerns for the welfare of the child, arising from abuse by a member of staff or volunteer, should be reported immediately. (See Appendix A for a quick guide to Squash Wales Procedures).
5.5.1. Seek Advice
The designated person (the LSO or the CWO) may be informed of situations where there is uncertainty about whether the allegation constitutes abuse or not and therefore is unclear about what action to take. There may be circumstances where allegations are about poor practice rather than abuse but those responsible should always consult senior colleagues and gain advice from Social Services, police or the NSPCC if there is any doubt. This is because it may be just one of a series of other instances which together cause concern. See Appendix B: Essential Contacts.
5.5.2. Squash Wales Support
It is acknowledged that feelings generated by the discovery that a member of staff or a volunteer is, or may be, abusing a child, will raise concerns among other staff or volunteers. This includes the difficulties inherent in reporting such matters.
Squash Wales assure all staff / volunteers that it will fully support and protect anyone who, in good faith (without malicious intent), reports his or her concern about a colleague’s practice or the possibility that a child may be being abused.
5.5.3. Types of Investigation
Where there is a complaint of abuse against a member of staff or volunteer, there may be three methods of inquiry:
- Criminal
- Safeguarding and protecting children
- Disciplinary or misconduct
Civil proceedings may also be initiated by the person / family of the person who alleged the abuse.
The results of the police and Social Services inquiries may influence the Squash Wales disciplinary investigation.
5.5.4. Poor Practice
- If, following consideration, the allegation is clearly about poor practice, the designated person will deal with it as a misconduct issue.
- If the allegation is about poor practice by the designated person, or if the matter has been handled inadequately and concerns remain, it should be referred to the Lead Safeguarding Officer (LSO) at Squash Wales. The LSO will decide how to deal with the allegation and whether or not to initiate disciplinary proceedings.
- If the incident of poor practice is suspicious, all details should be recorded and reported to the LSO at Squash Wales.
5.5.5. Suspected Abuse
- Any suspicion that a child has been abused by either a member of staff or a volunteer should be reported to the designated person, who will take such steps as considered necessary to ensure the safety of the child in question and any other child who may be at risk.
- The designated person will refer the allegation to Social Services who may involve the police.
- The parents or carers of the child will be contacted as soon as possible following advice from Social Services.
- The designated person (the CWO) should also notify the LSO at Squash Wales who will decide who should deal with any media enquiries.
- If the designated person is the subject of a suspicion / allegation, the report must be made to Squash Wales who are then responsible for taking the action outlined above.
5.5.6. Confidentiality
Every effort should be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned. Information should be handled and disseminated on a need to know basis only. This includes the following people:
- The designated person in charge
- The parents of the person who is alleged to have been abused
- The person making the allegation
- Social Services / police
- Designated officers within the governing body of sport, i.e. the LSO at Squash Wales
- The alleged abuser (and parents if alleged abuser is a child) NB Seek advice from Social Services on who should approach alleged abuser.
Information should be stored in a secure place – separate lockable filing cabinet, with limited access to designated people – in line with data protection laws (e.g. that information is accurate, regularly updated, relevant and secure).
5.5.7. Internal Inquiries and Suspension
- Squash Wales will make an immediate decision about whether any individual accused of abuse should be temporarily suspended pending further police and social services inquiries.
- Irrespective of the findings of Social Services or police inquiries, Squash Wales must assess all individual cases under the appropriate misconduct / disciplinary procedure, to decide whether a member of staff or volunteer can be reinstated and how this can be sensitively handled with other staff or volunteers. This may be a difficult decision, particularly where there is insufficient evidence to uphold any action by the police. In such cases, Squash Wales must reach a decision based on the available information that could suggest, on a balance of probability; it is more likely than not that the allegation is true. The welfare of children should always remain paramount.
5.5.8. Support to deal with the Aftermath
- Consideration should be given about what support may be appropriate to children, parents and members of staff, volunteers / helpers. Use of helplines, support groups, and open meetings will maintain an open culture, and help the healing process. The British Association of Counselling Directory may be a useful resource. (See Appendix B: Essential Contacts).
- Consideration should be given about what support may be appropriate to the alleged perpetrator of the abuse.
5.6. Allegations of Previous Abuse
Allegations of abuse may be made some time after the event (e.g. by an adult who was abused as a child or by a member of staff who is still currently working with children). Where such an allegation is made, the organisation should follow the procedure as detailed above and report the matter to Social Services or the police. This is because other children, either within or outside Squash, may be at risk from this person. Anyone who has a previous criminal conviction for offences related to abuse will be interviewed and risk assessed by Squash Wales to ensure their suitability to be part of squash in Wales.
5.7. Action if Bullying is Suspected
The same procedure should be followed as set out in Section 5, if bullying is suspected. All settings in which children are provided with services, or are living away from home, should have rigorously enforced anti-bullying strategies in place.
5.7.1. Action to help the Victim and Prevent Bullying in Squash
- Take all signs of bullying very seriously.
- Encourage all children to speak and share their concerns. Help the victim to speak out and tell the person in charge or someone in authority. Create an open environment.
- Investigate all allegations and take action to ensure the victim is safe. Speak with the victim and the bully (ies) separately.
- Reassure the victim that you can be trusted and will help them, although you cannot promise not to tell anyone else.
- Keep accurate records of what is said (e.g. what happened, by whom, when).
- Report any concerns to the person in charge at the Squash club or school (e.g. wherever the bullying is occurring).
5.7.2. Action towards the Bully (ies)
- Talk to the bully (ies), explain the situation, try to get the bully (ies) to understand the consequences of their behaviour. Seek an apology to the victim(s).
Inform the bully’s parents. - Provide support for the coach of the victim.
- Impose sanctions as necessary
- Encourage and support the bully (ies) to change behaviour.
- Hold meetings with the families to report on progress.
- Inform all organisation members of action taken.
- Keep a written record of action taken.
6. Implementation and Monitoring Procedures
6.1. Objectives
The Squash Wales Implementation Plan (documented separately) highlight what actions need to be taken, by whom, how, and when in order to implement the Squash Wales Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures.
Reviewing and evaluating the implementation of The Plan is a crucial part of the process and Squash Wales. The Safeguarding and Protecting Children Steering Group will review and monitor the Implementation Plan. The Steering Group consists of the Lead Safeguarding Officer, County Officers, officiating representatives (including referees / coaches / tutors / volunteers), and co- opted members as appropriate.
The purpose of the Implementation Plan is to:
- Disseminate the Squash Wales safeguarding and protecting children message, so that it reaches and influences all squash organisations to safeguard the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults in squash
- Operate sound recruitment procedures for paid and voluntary staff in squash
- Identify and enable the appropriate safeguarding & protecting children training for staff
- Remain updated with legislation related to safeguarding and protecting children
- Monitor and update the implementation plan to keep safeguarding and protecting children high on the Squash Wales agenda
- Measure the impact of the policy and procedures.
Appendices to Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures in Squash
This section is designed to inform the most appropriate action in relation to concerns about a member of staff or volunteer within squash.

If you do not know who to approach for advice or are worried about sharing your concerns with a senior colleague, you should contact Social Services
(or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000).
NSPCC | National Centre 42 Curtain Road London
EC2A 3NH |
Freephone 24 hour helpline:
0808 800 5000 |
ChildLine UK
NI ChildLine |
Freepost 1111 London
74 Duke Street Londonderry |
0800 1111
Disclosure and Barring Service
(NB DBS manage the two barred lists 1. children 2. vulnerable adults)
DBS customer services PO Box 3961 Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 4HF |
DBS customer services
Email: [email protected] |
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy | BACP House
15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4HR |
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01455 8833000 |
Sports Coach UK | Chelsea Close
Off Amberley Road Armley Leeds LS12 4HP
Squash Wales | Sport Wales National Centre
Sophia Gardens Cardiff, CF11 9SW |
0300 300 3121 |
Child Protection In Sport Unit (Wales) | NSPCC Cymru/Wales Diane Engelhardt House Treglown Court Dowlais Road Cardiff CF24 5LQ |
[email protected]
Child Protection in Sport Unit (England) | 3 Gilmour Close Beaumont Leys Leicester
L4 1EZ |
[email protected]
Welsh Sports Association (WSA) | Welsh Sports Association Sport Wales National Centre Sophia Gardens Cardiff CF11 9SW |
Trusted supplier for DBS checking
029 2033 4972 |
Local Social Services |
All registered leaders, teachers, coaches and referees must read and sign this code of ethics and code of conduct.
Squash Wales Officials relates to Leaders, Teachers, Coaches, Referees and Volunteers in the wording of this document.
1 Code of Ethics
1.1 Introduction
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to establish and maintain standards for sports coaches and to inform and protect members of the public using their services.
Ethical standards comprise such values as integrity, responsibility, competence and confidentiality. Squash Wales Officials in assenting to this Code, accept their responsibility to performers, colleagues, their governing body, and to society.
In pursuit of these principles, Squash Wales Officials subscribe to standards in the following areas:
Issues of Responsibility Issues of Competence
This Code of Ethics is a framework within which to work. It provides a series of guidelines rather than a set of instructions.
1.2 Issues of Responsibility
Squash Wales Officials deliberately undertake responsibility and are responsible for the observation of the principles embodied in this Code of Ethics. Misconduct – bad timekeeping; unreasonable or unexplained absence; lack of application; wilful damage to property or equipment.
1.3 Humanity
Squash Wales Officials must respect the rights, dignity, and worth of every human being and their ultimate right to self-determination. Specifically, Squash Wales Officials must treat everyone equally, within the context of their activity, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual persuasion, political persuasion or disability.
1.4 Relationships
Squash Wales Officials will be concerned primarily with the well-being, health and future of the individual performer and only secondarily with the optimisation of performance.
A key element in relationships is the development of independence. Performers must be encouraged to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance in training, competition and in their social life.
Squash Wales Officials are responsible for setting and monitoring boundaries between a working relationship and friendship with their players. The Squash Wales Official must realise that certain situations or friendly action could be misinterpreted, not only by the player, but by outsiders motivated by jealousy, dislike or mistrust and could lead to allegations of sexual misconduct or impropriety.
The relationship between the Squash Wales Official and player relies heavily on mutual trust and respect. In detail this means that the performer should be made aware of the coaches/referee’s qualifications and experience and must be given the opportunity to consent or decline at any time.
1.5 Commitment
The Squash Wales Official should clarify in advance with players and/or employers the number of sessions, fees (if any) and method of payment. They should also explore and agree with players and/or employers the expectations of the outcome of coaching.
The Squash Wales Official has a responsibility to declare to their player and/or employers, any other current coaching commitments. Squash Wales Officials should also find out if any prospective client is receiving guidance from another teacher/coach. If so, that teacher/coach should be contacted to discuss the situation.
Squash Wales Officials who become aware of a conflict between their obligation to their players and their obligation to their governing body or other organisation employing them, must make explicit the nature of the conflict, and the loyalties and responsibilities involved, to all parties concerned.
1.6 Cooperation
Squash Wales Officials should communicate and cooperate with other sports and allied professions in the best interests of their players. An example of such contact would be the seeking of educational and career advice/counselling for young players whose training impinges upon the performance of their studies.
Squash Wales Officials should communicate and cooperate with registered medical and ancillary practitioners in the diagnosis, treatment and management of their players’ medical and psychological problems.
1.7 Advertising
Advertising by Squash Wales Officials in respect of qualifications and/or services shall be accurate.
Squash Wales Officials shall not display any affiliation with an organisation in a manner that falsely implies sponsorship or accreditation by that organisation.
1.8 Integrity
Squash Wales Officials should refrain from unfair criticism of fellow squash officials.
Squash Wales Officials must not encourage players to violate the rules of their sport and should actively seek to discourage such action. Furthermore, Squash Wales Officials should encourage players to obey the spirit of such rules.
Squash Wales Officials must not compromise their players by advocating measures that could be deemed to constitute seeking to gain an unfair advantage. Above all, Squash Wales Officials must never advocate the use of prescribed drugs or other banned performance enhancing substances.
Squash Wales Officials must treat opponents and other officials with due respect in victory and defeat and should encourage their players to act in a similar manner.
Squash Wales Officials should undertake to discourage inappropriate behaviour from their players.
1.9 Confidentiality
Squash Wales Officials inevitably gather a great deal of personal information about players in the course of a working relationship. Squash Wales Officials and players must reach agreement as to what is to be regarded as confidential information. Such information must not be divulged to a third party without the express approval of the player.
1.10 Abuse of Privilege
The Squash Wales Official is privileged on occasion, to have contact with players and to travel and reside with players in the course of coaching and competitive practice. A Squash Wales Official must not attempt to exert undue influence over any player in order to obtain personal benefit or reward.
1.11 Personal Standards
The Squash Wales Official must consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of their sport and of coaching/officiating – to players, other coaches, officials, spectators, the media and the general public.
Personal appearance is a matter of individual taste, but the Squash Wales Official has an obligation to project an image of health, cleanliness and functional efficiency.
Squash Wales Officials should never smoke when coaching/officiating.
Squash Wales Officials should not drink alcohol before coaching/officiating.
1.12 Safety
Squash Wales Officials have a responsibility to ensure the safety of the players with whom they work as far as possible within the limits of their control.
All reasonable steps should be taken to establish a safe working environment.
The work done and the manner in which it is done should be in keeping with regular and approved practice within the sport.
The activity being undertaken should be suitable for the age, experience and ability of the players.
The players should have been systematically prepared for the activity being undertaken and made aware of their personal responsibilities in terms of safety.
1.13 Issues of Competence
Squash Wales Officials shall confine themselves to practice in those areas of the sport in which they have been trained/educated and which are recognised to be valid. Valid areas of expertise are those directly concerned with squash coaching/officiating. Training includes the accumulation of knowledge and skills thorough both formal coach/officiating education courses and by experience at a level of competence acceptable for independent coaching/officiating practice.
Squash Wales Officials should be able to recognise and accept when to refer players to other agencies.
Squash Wales Officials should regularly seek ways of increasing their professional development and self-awareness.
Squash Wales Officials should welcome evaluation of their work by colleagues and be able to account to players, employers and Squash Wales for their actions. Squash Wales Officials have a responsibility to themselves and their players to maintain their own effectiveness, resilience and abilities, and to know when their personal resources are so depleted as to make it necessary for them to seek help and/or withdraw from coaching, officiating whether temporarily or permanently.
1.14 Exit Strategy
Players will from time to time move to alternative coaches. To ensure that this is as smooth a transition as possible, it is critical that the people involved in the process follow the suggested steps below:-
- For the parent of the player/player to speak with their current coach initially before approaching the new coach
- For the parent of the player/player to speak with the current coach to notify them of their intended departure
- For the coach to undertake an exit interview with the player and/or parent of the player
- For all outstanding monies/fees to be settled
- For both parties to acknowledge that the relationship will change, as the coach is no longer a coach to that player, and player no longer under their remit to coach
This is to maximise the professional relationship remaining after the event
2. Code of Conduct
2.1 Introduction
This Code of Conduct is intended to provide more specific information and guidance in the implementation of the principles embodied in the Code of Ethics.
Squash Wales Officials shall adhere at all times to standards of personal behaviour which reflect favourably on Squash Wales and the whole process, and practice of coaching/officiating.
It is not possible to specify in precise terms all those actions that could be deemed to be prejudicial to the practice of coaching/officiating and the best interests of Squash Wales. The following provide an indication of the types of incident that are likely to be considered as breaches of this section of the Code.
2.2 Public Criticism of Squash Wales Official
Squash Wales Officials should refrain from unfair criticism of fellow Squash Wales Officials.
2.3 Misrepresentation
Squash Wales Officials must ensure that they do not in any way misrepresent their qualification, affiliations, or professional competence to any client or prospective client in any publication, broadcast, lecture or seminar.
2.4 Commitment
When Squash Wales Officials enter into a commitment with an employer, a team, or an individual player, the nature of that commitment should be specifically agreed.
2.5 Confidentiality
Squash Wales Officials should not divulge confidential information relating to a player, as specified in the Code of Ethics, to any third party unless with the expressed approval of the player concerned.
2.6 Criminal Conviction
Any conviction of a Squash Wales Official in a court of law is capable of reflecting adversely on the profession and Squash Wales. Members MUST report any conviction to Squash Wales at the earliest opportunity, whether it was obtained before or after they became a Squash Wales Official. Please refer to the Personal Disclosure and DBS Checklist Form.
2.7 Personal Misconduct
Personal misconduct may still give rise to disciplinary action by Squash Wales, if such conduct is deemed to be a misconduct or gross misconduct, even if such misconduct does not give rise to disciplinary proceedings by an employer or lead to conviction in a court of law.
The following examples of gross misconduct are not exhaustive or exclusive:
- Theft
- Falsification of reports or accounts
- Breach of confidentiality
- Violence
- Misuse of alcohol or drugs
- Uploading inappropriate photographs or abusive or offensive comments to the internet including social networking sites
- Abuse of the Social Networking guidelines
2.8 Good practice
- Be aware of and comply with the Squash Wales policy and your responsibilities.
- Avoid spending time alone with young players away from others.
- It is not appropriate to have an intimate relationship with a young player.
- Avoid any horseplay/sexually suggestive comments or language.
- Never ridicule a child or reduce them to tears.
- Never do things of a personal nature for a child that they can do for themselves.
- Never allow allegations made by a child go unchallenged unrecorded or not acted upon.
2.9 Safeguarding & Protecting Children Issues
Report in writing to Squash Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer behaviour which you feel contravenes Squash Wales Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy, such as:
- Verbal bullying by coaches/parents/spectators
- Physical abuse by coaches/parents/spectators
- Cyber Bullying by coaches/parents/spectators
- Inappropriate or aggressive contact by an adult or young person
- Verbal abuse directed at the official by young people or adults
2.10 Officiating young players
When officiating young persons, officials should:
- Recognise the importance of enjoyment
- Explain decisions in an appropriate manner
- Be a positive role model – behave in an exemplary manner and provide a role model for excellent behaviour
- Never tolerate verbal abuse – use code of conduct
- Treat all players equally with respect and dignity
- Keep up to date with your knowledge and officiating skills
- Only work within the level of your competence and qualification
- Administer the rules where appropriate as regards to illness and injury
2.11 Complaints Procedures
Any individual or organisation wishing to make a complaint against a Squash Wales Official within the context of this Code of Ethics and Conduct should in the first instance contact:
The Operations Manager
Squash Wales
Sport Wales National Centre Sophia Gardens
Cardiff CF11 9SW
Tel: 0300 300 3121
Detailed procedural guidelines will be issued thereafter to all parties concerned in the complaint.
Please sign and return this page to:
Squash Wales
Sport Wales National Centre Sophia Gardens
Cardiff CF11 9SW
Tel: 0300 300 3121
I have read and understood and agree to abide by the guidelines at all times.
Signed……………………………………………………… Date………………….…………
Name ……………………………………………………………………………… Please print Membership No. …………………………………………………………………………………
Only members of the Coaching Register are licensed to carry out coaching activities on behalf of Squash Wales in accordance with the level of the award gained. The scheme is managed by Squash Wales.
Membership of the Coaching Register has a maximum duration of 36 months.
Members are required to complete a Personal Disclosure Form as part of the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy.
Squash Wales Safeguarding & Protecting Children List (notes on completing the Personal Disclosure Form)
The database together with other information that your club / organisation receives regarding the welfare of children is part of the Squash Wales Safeguarding and Protecting Children Procedures. Compliance with this procedure is mandatory for all coaches on the Coaching Register. The procedures set out below were developed in full consultation with the Data Protection Register.
The purpose of the Safeguarding & Protecting Children List is firstly to advise clubs and organisations of people who should not work with children because they have a criminal conviction, which could put children at risk. Secondly, it allows Squash Wales to fulfil its obligations in collating and reporting any complaints that are made against an individual which may put children at risk. The information is strictly confidential except for the legal obligation of reporting. Each club / organisation is strongly advised to read the Squash Wales Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures for squash clubs and organisations.
Who must complete a form? All coaches / team managers seeking accreditation on the Squash Wales Coaching Register who have personal contact with under 18-year olds.
Do I have to complete a form? It is a condition of the Coaching Register that all coaches
/ team managers accept these procedures. If unwilling to do so, then they must not be deployed for Squash Wales in any position that gives them access to young people.
What information will be kept on me? Obviously, there will be your personal identifier information that is on the form, which in the majority of cases will be the only information. If you have a criminal conviction for an offence, which could put children at risk, the official details of the conviction will be recorded. However, specific allegations of behaviour, or details of other convictions which could put children at risk, and which are made known to Squash Wales will also be recorded. All concerns or complaints will be reported to the police and the relevant local authority for investigation, and the outcome recorded. This information is held separately, is securely protected and will record the date, source and originator of any text. You may at any time request to see the information held on you.
Who will my information be disclosed to?
All individuals on the Safeguarding & Protecting Children List will have the right to request to see the information that is held on them. This request must be made in writing to the Squash Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer, who must respond within 40 days. A fee may be levied in accordance with the Data Protection Act. All information will be made available to the official agencies, which have a statutory duty to investigate allegations of child abuse. Squash Wales also reserves the right to disclose relevant information relating to child protection to clubs / organisations and other individuals and organisations sharing Squash Wales concerns regarding safeguarding and protecting children.
Do I send my form in direct or does it have to go through the club/organisation?
All forms must come direct to Squash Wales. The club / organisation secretary or designated officer will sign Part A as it is essential that the relevant person at the club has seen some identification documentation which confirms that you are who you say you are. This could be a passport, national insurance number card or driving licence, but more than a household letter or bill.
However, Part B may be completed in confidence by the applicant and the form sent direct to the Squash Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer. If it is deemed that Squash Wales do not consider someone suitable to work with children then appropriate action will be taken and the club / organisation will be informed.
How is the information updated?
The forms will be updated in line with membership renewal details, etc. i.e. the Coaching Register:
This form should be returned direct to:
The Lead Safeguarding Officer
Squash Wales
Sport Wales National Centre Sophia Gardens
Cardiff CF11 9SW
You have a right of access to information held on you and other rights under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Title | First Name | Last Name | Any names by which you may have been known previously | |
Post Code |
Date of Birth | SEX MALE/FEMALE* | National Insurance Number | ||
*Please delete as appropriate
Current Club(s) | Position | Start Date |
Coach/Helper/Team/Manager/Chaperone/Other* | ||
Coach/Helper/Team Manager/Chaperone/Other* | ||
Coach/Helper/Team Manager/Chaperone/Other* |
*Please delete as appropriate
CONFIRMATION OF IDENTITY (must be completed by a designated Club official)
I confirm that I have seen identification documents relation to this person
Signature of Club Secretary or other designated officer …………………………………………………… Print Name ……………………………………………….. Club Details …………………………………………
Have you ever been convicted of any Criminal offences? YES / NO* If YES, please supply details. (Please use a separate sheet if necessary): …………………………………
NOTE: You are advised under the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exceptions) Order 1975 as amended by the Rehabilitations of Offenders Act 1974 (exceptions amendment) Order 1986 that you should declare all convictions including spent convictions.
Are you a person known to any social services department as being an actual
or potential risk to children? YES / NO*
If YES please supply details ……………………………………….……………………………………………..
Have you had a Squash Wales (or any other) disciplinary sanction relating to child abuse? YES / NO*
If YES, please supply details. (Please use a separate sheet if necessary): …………………………………
*Delete as appropriate
I have read and understood the information leaflet regarding the Squash Wales Safeguarding & Protecting Children List.
I hereby consent to Squash Wales undertaking police and/or social services checks against me.
I undertake to inform Squash Wales immediately upon arrest and/or being charged with a criminal offence.
I understand that the information contained on this form, the results of police and social services checks and information supplied by third parties, will be included on the Squash Wales Safeguarding & Protecting Children List, may be notified to my club/organisation and may be supplied by Squash Wales to other persons or organisations that have an interest in safeguarding and protecting children issues.
Signed by the above-named individual……………………………………… Date ………………………….
Date of your enhanced DBS disclosure which was obtained via Squash Wales …………………………
If you have an enhanced DBS disclosure that was issued within the last three years this does not meet the Squash Wales criteria in the Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy and Procedures. The Squash Wales Safeguarding & Protecting Children Policy states that all Coaches must have an enhanced DBS disclosure which was obtained via an application made directly through Squash Wales.
If you do not have an enhanced DBS disclosure, or you have one that was not issued as a result of an application made directly through Squash Wales, we will send you an application form with full details of how to complete and return it.
If you have any queries or require any further information please contact the Squash Wales office.
When completed this form should be returned to: The Lead Safeguarding Officer, Squash Wales, Sport Wales National Centre, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, CF11 9SW
APPENDIX E - Guidance for taking and using photographic and recorded images of children
Parents want to be able to celebrate the achievements of their children when taking part in sporting activities through taking photographs or films. Squash Wales and clubs may also want to record positive images of young people participating in squash to promote their activities and to encourage increased participation. Squash Wales recommends that appropriate and proportionate safeguards should be in place to ensure a safe sporting environment for children and young people.
This guidance applies to any device capable of recording images eg cameras, mobile phones etc.
What are the potential concerns?
There have been concerns about the risks posed directly and indirectly to children through the use of images (photographs and videos) on sports websites, social networks and other publications. Images can be used as a means of identifying children when associated with personal information e.g. this is X who lives at y; X is a member of the z sports club and likes a certain music group. This information can make a child vulnerable to an individual who may wish to contact and start to “groom” that child for abuse – online (e.g. through websites or social networking) or through direct contact. Information placed on the internet has also been used by estranged parents (e.g. in adoption or domestic violence circumstances) to identify, trace and cause significant difficulties for children. Secondly the content of photographs can itself be inappropriate, or be used or adapted for inappropriate use.
Squash Wales have developed the following guidance in relation to the use of images of young athletes on websites and other publications. If clubs are aware of the potential risks and take appropriate steps, the potential for misuse of images can be reduced.
The following principles should be adopted:
- the interests and welfare of children taking part in sporting activities is paramount
- children and their parents have a right to decide whether their images are taken, and how these may be used
- children and their parents/ must provide written consent for their images to be taken and used
- consent is only meaningful when the club or organisation ensures that children and their parents understand the nature of potential risks associated with the intended type, use and distribution of the images.
Easy rules to remember are:
- Where possible do not include the name of a child whose image is being used.
- If naming a child or group of children in an image, only use their first names, as this will reduce the risk of inappropriate, unsolicited attention from people within and outside the sport.
- Avoid the inclusion of other detailed information about individual children.
- Ask for the child’s permission to use their image. This ensures that they are aware of the way the image is to be used to represent the sport.
- Ask for parental permission to use an image of a young person. This ensures that parents are aware of where and how the image of their child will be used to represent the club, event or sport (e.g. in a sports magazine, on a website, or on Facebook). Developing a Parental Permission Form is recommended.
- Be clear about how and for how long images will be securely stored (including how access to the images, associated consents and other information will be controlled)
- Only use images of children in suitable dress/kit (including required or recommended safety wear such as shin pads, gum shields and so on) to reduce the risk of inappropriate use.
- Images should positively reflect young people’s involvement in the activity (e.g. showing smiling participants rather than anxious or unhappy ones) and promote the best aspects of the sport.
- The content of the photograph should focus on the activity rather than on a particular child.
- Create and publicise a procedure for reporting the abuse of images or the use of inappropriate images, to reduce the risks to children.
Guidelines for Use of Official Photographers, Students or amateur photographers / film / video operators at Sporting Events
- Provide a clear brief about what is considered appropriate in terms of content and behaviour.
- Issue the photographer with identification which must be worn at all times (eg tabard).
- Inform children and parents that a photographer will be in attendance at an event and ensure they consent to both the taking and publication of films or photographs which feature and clearly identify their child (e.g. close ups, small group and team photos).
- At many events, organisers and others will reasonably wish to take wide angle, more general photos of the event sites, opening and closing ceremonies, and so on. Separate to the issue of consents for “identifying‟ photographs/footage of individual participants (as above) parents and children should at least understand that these types of images will be taken during, or at specific points in, the event e.g. information could be included on the parental consent form. It is not reasonable, practical or proportionate to require parental consents for taking these general types of images, or to preclude it on the basis of the concerns of a small number of parents.
- Do not allow unsupervised access to children or one to one photo sessions at events.
- Do not approve/allow photo sessions outside the event or at a child’s home.
- Children, parents and others should be informed that if they have concerns they can report these to the event organiser
- Concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported to the event organiser or official and recorded in the same manner as any other safeguarding or child protection concern.
- Clarify issues of ownership, retention and access (by event staff and participants/parents) to the images.
Accreditation procedure: a system should be established. Professionals should register prior to the event and their identification details be recorded. Ideally, they should be:
- name and address of the person using the camera
- names of subjects (if specific)
- the reason or use the images are being or intended to be put to
- signed declaration that the information provided is valid and that the images will only be used for the reasons given.
Ideally, identification details should be checked with the issuing authority prior to the event. On registering, promoters of events could consider issuing a coloured identification label on the day which can serve to highlight those who have accreditation but they must ensure that where events occur regularly, the colour and or type of identifying label is changed to prevent unofficial replication.
A clear brief about what is considered appropriate in terms of content and behaviour should be issued. It may include a list of any areas where photographic and recording equipment, including mobile phones, is forbidden under all circumstances (e.g. changing rooms, toilet areas). Unsupervised access to athletes or one to one photo sessions at event or photo sessions outside the events or at an athlete’s home should not be approved/allowed.
Guidelines for Use of Photographic Filming Equipment by Parents / Guardians / Spectators at Sporting Events
- If parents/guardians or other spectators are intending to photograph or video at an event they should also be made aware of your clubs expectations.
- Spectators should be asked to register at an event if they wish to use photographic equipment.
- It is helpful for the event organisers to provide some indication e.g. a numbered sticker for each registered camera, or badge/wristband to be displayed by the spectator to help others recognise those who have registered, and respond to those who do not appear to have registered.
Public information: the specific details concerning photographic/video and filming equipment registration should, wherever possible, be published prominently in event programmes and must be announced over the public address system, prior to the start of the event.
The recommended wording is:
In line with the recommendation in the Squash Wales Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy and Procedures, the promoters of this event request that any person wishing to engage in any video, zoom or close range photography should register their details with staff at the spectator desk before carrying out any such photography. If parents have any particular concern about their young person being photographed or filmed they should notify the organisers. The promoter reserves the right to decline entry to any person unable to meet or abide by the promoter’s conditions.
If you are concerned about any photography taking place at this event, please contact the promoter or event organiser who will be pleased to discuss this matter with you. *
At club sessions
There is no intention to prevent club coaches and teachers using videoing as a legitimate coaching aid. However, children/young people and their parents should be aware that this is part of the coaching programme and consent to it. Care should be taken in the secure storage of such materials and films. If clubs are concerned that someone they do not know is using their sessions for photography or filming purposes, they should ask them to leave and contact their Governing Body or (depending on the nature of the concerns) the police for further advice.
NB Clubs should include wording on their consent forms similar to the following;
Name of club will follow the Squash Wales guidance for the use of photographs and videoing for training/coaching purposes, a copy of which is available from name of club web site or club official).
Name of club will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform name of club welfare officer (telephone number) and Squash Wales. I consent to name of club photographing or videoing my child.
Images of elite young athletes
As young athletes progress higher up the competitive ladder, elite level events are increasingly likely to take place in a public arena. Organisers retain their duty of care to these athletes and a responsibility to safeguard them.
The following sample forms are part of the recommended procedures for an effective recruitment process. They are to be used to ensure that:
- Squash Wales take all steps within its power to prevent unsuitable people from working within Squash
- if incidences of suspected child abuse do occur, standard procedures are followed. The forms include:
- Reference Form – to be completed by referees acting for anyone being employed in a voluntary or paid capacity with a squash club or organisation who, by nature of the role they are being asked to play, will have substantial access to children.
- Application Form – to be completed by anyone applying for a role within a Squash club or organisation, who will be employed in a voluntary or paid capacity, within a role that will mean they have substantial access to children.
- Incident Report Form – to be completed by the designated Child Welfare Officer within a squash club or organisation and relayed to the Lead Safeguarding Officer at Squash Wales, who will hold definitive records in a safe and secure place.
NB All information of a personal and confidential nature should be held in line with data protection regulations.
Notes for using the Reference Form
This sample Reference Form can be adapted for use by squash clubs and organisations who will employ those (in paid or voluntary roles) who by nature of the role that the club or organisation asks of them, will have substantial access to children.
It should be used when the club or organisation is bringing in new recruits and should be managed by the club or organisation committee responsible for recruiting personnel.
The Reference Form is part of the recommended procedures for an effective recruitment process within squash clubs and organisations. Using this form demonstrates that a club or organisation is adopting good practice to safeguard the young players in their care.
NB All information of a personal and confidential nature should be held in line with data protection regulations.
The following named person……………………………………………………..has expressed an interest in working with …………………………………………… . The post involves substantial access to children. As an organisation committed to the welfare and protection of children, we are anxious to know if there is any reason at all to be concerned about this applicant being in contact with children or young people.
If you are happy to complete this reference, any information will be treated with due confidentiality and in accordance with relevant legislation and guidance. Information will only be shared with the person conducting the assessment of the candidate’s suitability for the post, if he
/ she is offered the position in question. We would appreciate you being extremely candid, open and honest in your evaluation of this person.
- How long have you known this person?………………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. In what capacity?……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- What attributes does this person have that would make them suited to this work?
- Please rate this person on the following – please tick one box for each question:
Poor | Average | Good | Very Good | Excellent | |
Responsibility | |||||
Maturity | |||||
Self Motivation | |||||
Can motivate others | |||||
Energy | |||||
Trustworthiness | |||||
Reliability |
Do you believe there is concern about this applicant being in contact with children? YES / NO*
*Please delete as appropriate
If YES, please explain your concerns…………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Signed…………………………………………………….Date…………………………………………………. Print Name ……………………………………………… Position………………………………………….. Organisation/position…………………………………………………………………………………………. Contact details…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Notes for using the Application Form
This sample Application Form can be adapted for use by squash clubs and organisations who will employ those (in paid or voluntary roles) who by nature of the role that the club or organisation asks of them, will have substantial access to children.
It should be used when the club or organisation is bringing in new recruits and should be managed by the club or organisation committee responsible for recruiting personnel.
The Application Form is part of the recommended procedures for an effective recruitment process within squash clubs and organisations. Using this form demonstrates that a club or organisation is adopting good practice to safeguard the young players in their care.
NB All information of a personal and confidential nature should be held in line with data protection regulations.
Position applied for: | ||||
Title: | Surname: | |||
Any surname previously known by: | ||||
First Name/s | Date of Birth: | |||
Present address: | ||||
Former address (if moved within three years): | ||||
Current Occupation: | Name of organisation: | |||
Start Date: |
Address | |||
Previous occupation/s: | Name of organisation/s: | Start date: | Finish date: | |
Relevant experience: | ||||
Previous experience of working with young children in a voluntary or professional capacity: |
Academic qualifications: (not essential for those applying for voluntary posts) | |
Vocational interests: | |
Sporting / squash qualifications and experience: | |
Reason for applying: | |
Name and address of two people who know you well and are not related to you, who have first-hand experience of you working with children and who we can contact for a reference, or who have provided you with a reference testimonial. | |
Referee 1 | Referee 2 |
I agree to abide by any Code of Ethics and Conduct which Squash Wales has in force.
Signed………………………………………………………………………Date ……………….. |
NB. Failure to disclose this information will result in exclusion from the club, organisation or Squash Wales. |
Notes for using the Incident Report Form
This Incident Report Form is to be completed by the designated club welfare officer within a squash club or organisation as, when and if incidents occur.
The form identifies the essential information that needs to be recorded if an incident occurs (i.e. there is a disclosure from a young player, or an allegation is made) and should be kept by the designated officer.
On receiving an allegation or disclosure, the designated officer should complete the form with the key witnesses involved.
If Social Services are involved, then a copy of the form should be sent to the case officer at Social Services, following a telephone report.
Please also ensure that a copy is forwarded to the Lead Safeguarding Officer at Squash Wales. The Squash Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer will hold definitive records in a safe and secure place. This will enable Squash Wales to monitor incidents and develop best practice in the handling of incidents.
NB All information of a personal and confidential nature should be held in line with data protection regulations.
Name of person making referral: | |
Status of person: | Date of referral: |
Contact details of person making referral: | |
Brief outline of reason for referral, giving date and time of incident: |
Section A: Please complete if referral is specifically related to a child/children
First Childs Name:
Date of Birth: |
Second Childs Name:
Date of Birth: |
First Childs Address: | Second Childs Address: |
Parent / Carers Name and Address for First Child: | Parent / Carers Name & Address for Second Child: |
Record exactly what child / person referring said. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary. | |
Actions taken: |
Section B: Please complete if referral is specifically related to a parent / staff member / volunteer in Squash | |
Persons Name | Age |
Address | |
Parents address if above named person is under 18. | |
Club / County / National details: | |
Record nature of referral. Continue on separate sheet if necessary. |
This form should be returned direct to:- The Lead Safeguarding Officer, Squash Wales, Sports Wales National Centre, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, CF11 9SW.
CPSU Resources
Further guidance on identifying and addressing specific mental health problems in sport is available from CPSU briefings:
- Addressing suicidal thoughts and feelings.
thecpsu.org.uk/resource-library/best-practice/addressing-suicidal-thoughts-and-feelings - Addressing self-harming behaviour.
Support Services
Support for coaches, staff and volunteers
NSPCC helpline
If you’re worried about a child, even if you’re unsure, contact the NSPCC’s professional counsellors for help, advice and support.
0808 800 5000 / nspcc.org.uk/helpline
Sport, activity and mental health information and advice.
Information and advice on mental health and local support services.
Support services for children and young people
Information and support line for young people
0800 11 11 / childline.org.uk
24-hour confidential listening and support for anyone who needs it
116 123 / samaritans.org
The Mix
Information, support and listening line (24 hours) for people under 25
0808 808 4994 / themix.org.uk
Young Minds
Information and signposting to mental health support for young people and parents