Safeguarding - Squash Wales

February Squash Camps Now Open!


However you participate in this sport, you have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure people at risk, that’s children and adults alike are protected from any form of abuse.

We have collated the resources and guidance needed to be an active protector of the at risk players in your community here.

report a concern

Squash Wales Lead Safeguarding Officer:
David Evans – [email protected]
OR CALL 07904332251

Squash Wales Deputy Lead Safeguarding Officer:
Russell Edwards – [email protected]

Email David

Club welfare officers

This is a role of great responsibility and equally great reward within any club. You’re the first point of contact should someone have concerns about adult and child welfare and protection.

If you’re interested stepping up to the plate, please contact

[email protected]

Need Help?

We’re always here to help. If you’ve got a question about Safeguarding, get in touch!

Contact Us

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