Funding - Squash Wales

February Squash Camps Now Open!


Below you will find a source of funding for coaching courses, equipment, coach education and starter courses, along with the web links to enable you to access the application forms or further information.

  • Community ChestThis is a Sport Wales (SW) National Lottery funded scheme which is designed to make a difference to sport locally. The primary purpose of the SPORTLOT Community Chest is to encourage and support good projects which will create new or improved sports activities and opportunities that are additional to what is already in place and would not be able to happen without a grant. This means that a sports club can apply for funding towards coach education courses for it coaches/volunteers. Coach education is a high priority of this grant scheme.Who is eligible?Organisations can apply, provided they have a bank or building society account in the name of the organisation. This means that the sports club will need to apply on behalf of the coaches within a club
    How to apply?
  • Community Chest Information
  • Community Chest Guidelines
  • Community Chest Application Form
  • Community Chest Application Supplementary Sheet

For help with applications please contact your Regional Development Officer or ring Wales Squash & Racketball on 0300 300 3121.

Helping to improve sport in your community takes a Sport Wales grant
Community Chest
Up to to £1,500 available for community sport and physical recreation.
Calls for Action
Up to £150,000 available to projects which contribute to outcomes within the Community Sport Strategy
Development Grant
Up to £25,000 available to develop activity in your community.
Coach Cymru
Governing Bodies can apply for funding to cover assorted expenses
If you want to make a big difference to your community, applying for a Sport Wales grant could not be simpler!

How to apply
Applying for a Sport Wales grant couldn’t be easier. Find out more here.
Dangerous sports list
Groups taking part in some sports must be affiliated to their governing body. Do you need to be?
How to guide
We’ve pulled together a handy guide for you to help the application process.
Download an application form today

Note – sportsmatch is no more.

Sport Wales Funding and Support

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