Annual General Meeting 2023 - Squash Wales

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Annual General Meeting 2023

14th September 2023

National news

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Squashwales Ltd
Company number 05453674

Notice is hereby given that the AGM of the Company will take place by Zoom on Monday, 9th October 2023 at 7pm.

Register in advance for this meeting here:

After registering, you will receive a confirma􏰀on email containing information about joining the meeting.

Special Resolutions

The Board of Squash Wales will be proposing two special resolutions at the meeting, which will require a 75% majority to pass.

Special Resolution 1: “It is resolved that the historic Memorandum of the Company is removed and that all reference to the Objects of the Company are contained in the Company Articles.”

Special Resolution 2; “It is resolved that the current Company Ar􏰀cles are replaced in their entirety by the new Articles, previously circulated and identified to the Members with the Agenda.”

A further explanatory note to members regarding the special resolutions has been circulated in advance of the meeting.

Notes for Members.

  • The Agenda for the meeting has been circulated at least 14 clear days before the AGM in line with the current Articles.
  • If the Special Resolution to change the Articles is passed, the new Articles will come into immediate effect.
  • The Chair of the AGM will be Richard Bennett.
  • Directors may attend and speak at all meetings of the Company.
  • The quorum for the meeting is 10 voting members present.

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