Squash Stories: David Breach - Squash Wales

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Squash Stories: David Breach

14th June 2023

Squash Stories

This is the first in our series of Squash Stories, highlighting some of the fantastic stories from the Squash Wales Community.

In January this year, at the 2023 Wales Junior Closed event, the Breach family had a real reason to celebrate.  The three Breach sisters each won in their respective age category, with Grace winning the U11, Millie winning in the U17 and Ellie coming victorious in the U19 event.  Their brother Joseph finished third in the boys U11 group – a massive achievement for the whole family.  David Breach, a registered level 2 squash coach and member of David Lloyd squash club in Swansea, who is the girls father agreed to answer a few questions about how the kids got into Squash and their training to become national champions.

SQW: Hi Dave, thanks for agreeing to speak with us.  First of all – how did you feel at the time when all of your kids did so well at the Junior Closed?

DB: I felt very proud of the kids and satisfied that the hard work was paying off for them and me. Ellie and Millie were number one seeds, so was relieved they could live up to that. Grace was number 3 seed, it was particularly pleasing that she could come away with the trophy. Especially as the level of competition with the girls around that age is so high in Wales at the moment. Joseph, being number 5 seed, aged 8 and coming in third finished off a very pleasing result for all my children.

SQW: You’re a Squash Coach and you have a real passion for the sport of course, did the kids pick up a racket on their own accord, or is it something you nudged them into picking up from an early age?

DB: Yes,  I definitely nudged Ellie and Millie into starting the game. They started coming to Cardiff at the U11 Level and they loved playing squash with the other children. I’ve always thought it’s particularly good for children to be involved in sport. Especially these days with so much distraction with screens at home. Joseph and Grace were always going to get involved with the sport, with them being around the squash courts and their big sisters so much. It’s a family thing for us and I feel it gives us something to do together, where we share a common interest.

SQW: How much time do the kids spend training on average per week, and how do they manage that around school and other commitments?

DB: Ellie and Millie train six days out of seven. It can be difficult to manage with other commitments, particularly for Ellie who is currently finishing her first year studying for four A Levels in Maths and Science. On the plus side it does give them a break from studying, doing something they enjoy.

SQW: Of course, Covid had a massive impact on everyone’s ability to train and keep playing the game, how did you all manage through those tricky years?

DB: Yes, we did miss the squash and opportunities to represent their country during the lockdown times. It was the same for everyone. I do remember we made a couple of trips to England to get on court, when that was allowed. They kept up their fitness by doing a lot of running during that time. I think a break made their heart grow fonder of squash. They seemed to have a renewed enthusiasm and appreciation for being able to play squash when they could get back on court.

SQW: What’s next for all of the kids?  Ellie is going to be over 19 soon – does she plan on going professional with her squash career now?

DB: All the kids are enthusiastic and keen to improve their squash at the moment, so hopefully they’ll continue to improve and Joseph and Grace will one day represent Wales like their older sisters. Millie is finishing her first year of GCSEs at the moment. Ellie has one more year of A levels then is planning on going to University. Not sure where yet, possibly even America. Ellie is still very committed to her squash alongside her studies.

SQW: And just because this is going out for Fathers Day – what’s the best / worst fathers day present you’ve been bought?

DB: The best fathers day gift, this is the hardest question for me. Hmmm, I’m particularly fond of chocolate so that is always received well. Worst gift has to be socks!

SQW: Thanks Dave

DB: Thanks for the opportunity to talk to you.

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